Biconomy is a long-standing partner of Particle Network within the ERC-4337 account abstraction infrastructure vertical. Particle Network’s initial natively-integrated AA stack was driven almost entirely by Biconomy. While today Particle Network has its Omnichain Paymaster and Particle Bundler, Biconomy is still directly compatible with Particle Network’s tech stack. Furthermore, Biconomy even features a custom SDK, @biconomy/particle-auth for leveraging Biconomy with Particle Auth.

This document will go through the specifics of using Biconomy either natively within Particle Network’s AA SDK for gasless (and token-paid) transactions or using Particle Network within the aforementioned SDK to achieve the same goal, just through different means.

Part 1: Leveraging Biconomy through @particle-network/aa

In an effort to ensure developers have multiple options to choose from when using the Particle Network AA SDK, built-in compatibility with Biconomy’s Paymaster has been included within @particle-network/aa. Therefore when leveraging Particle’s AA SDK for sponsoring transactions, you’re given the choice between Particle Network’s Omnichain Paymaster and Biconomy’s Paymaster. If you’re leveraging ERC20-paid transactions with @particle-network/aa, then Biconomy’s Token Paymaster is used by default, as Particle Network does not currently have its own Token Paymaster. Below, we’ll run through the basics of leveraging Biconomy’s Verifying Paymaster within SmartAccount from @particle-network/aa.

Getting Started

For this example, we’ll be putting together a basic demo application that onboards a user through social login, assigns a smart account (Biconomy V2 in this case), and facilitates a gasless transaction sponsored by Biconomy’s Paymaster. To begin, you’ll need to install the following core libraries (mostly from Particle Network):

  • @particle-network/auth-core-modal, for facilitating social logins and powering the resulting embedded wallet.
  • @particle-network/chains, optional, but a convenient way to retrieve chain information quickly (such as chain ID).
  • @particle-network/aa, to configure and interact with the assigned smart account.
  • ethers, for sending transactions and doing unit conversions.
  • Additionally, any extra libraries you’ll need for the application itself (such as react).

To install these libraries, run one of the two following commands at the root of your project:

yarn add @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/chains @particle-network/aa ethers

# OR

npm install @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/chains @particle-network/aa ethers


Once you’ve installed these libraries, you’ll need to configure Particle Auth Core within your index file (or its equivalent). Without configuring Particle Auth Core, you won’t be able to implement the social login functionality we’ll cover in a moment. Particle’s AA SDK works with any EIP-1193 provider, not just Particle Auth Core, so feel free to skip this if you intend on using a different wallet.

Particle Auth Core is configured exclusively through AuthCoreContextProvider, an object that wraps your primary App component (or its equivalent) within your index file. Specifically, AuthCoreContextProvider takes the following parameters (relevant to this walkthrough):

  • projectId, clientKey, and appId. Each of these are required values retrieved from the Particle dashboard. Without them, your application will throw an error. Your project ID, client key, and app ID essentially link your application with the dashboard, thereby authenticating API requests, allowing you to track users, etc. Retrieve these values even if you aren’t configuring AuthCoreContextProvider, as you’ll be using them for SmartAccount in a moment.
  • erc4337, containing name and version. In this example, we’re using a Biconomy V2 smart account, thus name can be set to “BICONOMY” and version can be set to “2.0.0.”

Beyond these parameters, there are numerous other (mostly visual) customizations that can be made, including determining whether the embedded wallet modal is visible or not (and if so, what chains it supports). An example of the constructed index file used for this example isincluded below:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { EthereumGoerli } from '@particle-network/chains';
import { AuthCoreContextProvider } from '@particle-network/auth-core-modal';
import App from './App'

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
        projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID,
        clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY,
        appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID,
        erc4337: {
          name: 'BICONOMY',
          version: '2.0.0',
        wallet: {
          visible: true,
          customStyle: {
              supportChains: [EthereumGoerli],
    <App />

With Particle Auth Core initialized, you’re ready to set up and begin using Particle’s AA SDK, @particle-network/aa with Biconomy’s Paymaster (and smart account in this case). To do this, we’ll navigate to the primary App component mentioned earlier. Within this file, you’ll need to import the following objects to facilitate social logins alongside account abstraction:

  • useEthereum, useConnect, and useAuthCore from @particle-network/auth-core-modal. These are the hooks that drive social login, user information retrieval, and 1193 provider construction for Particle Auth Core.
  • AAWrapProvider, SendTransactionMode, and SmartAccount from @particle-network/aa. Each of these objects is key for configuring our smart account (SmartAccount), ensuring transactions are gasless (SendTransactionMode), and sending standard transactions as UserOperations with Ethers (AAWrapProvider).
  • ethers from ethers, to be used with the aforementioned AAWrapProvider object.

The key point of focus here will be with the three objects imported from @particle-network/aa, allowing us to configure a Biconomy smart account and Paymaster to be used within this demo application. To do this, we’ll need to begin by configuring SmartAccount, the core object for initializing and controlling the smart account assigned to a specified Signer (an account generated by Particle Auth Core in this case). SmartAccount takes the following parameters:

  • provider, an EIP-1193 provider representing the wallet Signer you’d like to use and assign to the smart account (in our case, this will be provider from useEthereum).
  • An object containing:
    • projectId, clientKey, and appId. Covered earlier, these connect your project to the Particle dashboard (can also be retrieved from the dashboard).
    • aaOptions, which contains:
      • biconomy, the parameter representing our choice of a Biconomy smart account. This takes an array of objects, each containing chainId and version.
      • paymasterApiKeys, the focal point here. paymasterApiKeys allows you to override the default usage of Particle’s Omnichain Paymaster in place of Biconomy’s Paymaster. Within paymasterApiKeys, you need to define:

With each of these parameters defined, especially paymasterApiKeys, you’ll be ready to go with a constructed and assigned smart account. While it’s possible to directly send UserOperations through this instance of SmartAccount, it’s often easier to instead use the SmartAccount instance within a custom Ethers object, leveraging AAWrapProvider and SendTransactionMode to construct a EIP-1193 provider. In this example, we’ll be creating customProvider, a custom Ethers object made through the aforementioned process.

An example of a completed SmartAccount instance alongside an associated custom Ethers provider can be found below:

const smartAccount = new SmartAccount(provider, {
    projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID, // -
    clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY, // Retrieved from
    appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID, // -
    aaOptions: {
      biconomy: [{ chainId:, version: '2.0.0' }],
      paymasterApiKeys: [{
        apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_BICONOMY_KEY // Retrieved from

  const customProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(new AAWrapProvider(smartAccount, SendTransactionMode.Gasless), "any");

Using the Smart Account

With smartAccount and customProvider now initialized, we can facilitate social login with Particle Auth Core and begin using the underlying smart account for a gasless transaction sponsored by Biconomy’s Paymaster. To begin with the former (handling social login), we’ll need to pull the connect function from the useConnect hook (imported from @particle-network/aa). connect can be called on its own, or by a specific function to ensure it can only be called through specific conditions. In this example, this function is called handleLogin, and it checks that a user hasn’t logged in with Particle Auth Core before allowing connect to be called. Upon calling connect, either a standardized social login modal will be thrown or, if socialType is defined (on connect), it’ll shortcut to the OAuth page of a specified social login provider, as shown below:

const handleLogin = async (authType) => {
	if (!userInfo) {
		await connect({
			socialType: authType,
			chain: EthereumGoerli,

Once a user has undergone social login and thus an EOA has been generated and set as the Signer for the previously configured smart account, we’re ready to send a gasless transaction powered by Biconomy. To do this, we can set up a function called executeUserOp, in which we’ll use our custom Ethers object (customProvider) to execute a standard burn transaction. This will be automatically routed as a UserOperation due to the usage of AAWrapProvider in the construction of customProvider.

executeUserOp should first retrieve a Signer object with customProvider.getSigner, which can then be used to execute a standard transaction object containing parameters such as to, value, data, etc. For this walkthrough, we’ll stick to a burn transaction of 0.0001 ETH (burn referring to the recipient being a dead address, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD). Upon passing this transaction into signer.sendTransaction, you can wait for the transaction to be confirmed with {your transaction response object}.wait(). Thus, your executeUserOp function (or its equivalent) should look similar to the following:

const executeUserOp = async () => {
	const signer = customProvider.getSigner();
  const tx = {
		to: "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD",
    value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.0001"),
  const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);
  const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait();
		message: 'Transaction Successful',
    description: `Transaction Hash: ${txReceipt.transactionHash}`

This will then send 0.0001 ETH from a Biconomy V2 smart account to 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, sponsored by Biconomy’s Paymaster.

Part 2: Implementing Particle Auth with Biconomy through @biconomy/particle-auth

Outside of Particle Network’s AA SDK, cross-functionality between social logins from Particle and account abstraction infrastructure from Biconomy can also be achieved through Biconomy’s own SDK, @biconomy/particle-auth. This SDK leverages Particle Auth (not Particle Auth Core) directly with Biconomy’s Paymaster, Bundler, and smart account to facilitate a natural integration of Particle Network’s Wallet-as-a-Service with Biconomy.

Essentially, @biconomy/particle-auth integrates a 1:1 copy of the standard Particle Auth SDK (@particle-network/auth), allowing you to configure Particle Auth create a custom 1193 provider, and use said provider to initialize a Biconomy smart account. The transactions from this account will be sponsored by Biconomy’s Paymaster.


To begin using @biconomy/particle-auth, you’ll need to install it through one of the two following commands at the root of your project:

yarn add @biconomy/particle-auth

# OR

npm install @biconomy/particle-auth

The entire range of functionality covered within this example can be achieved solely through this SDK due to its aforementioned wrapping of @particle-network/auth, @particle-network/provider, etc. Unlike the former Particle Auth Core example, each component of this SDK can be configured within your primary App component (or its equivalent). Specifically, you’ll need to configure ParticleAuthModule and BiconomyAccountModule. Thus, to do this, you’ll need to start by defining a new instance of ParticleAuthModule.ParticleNetwork, which takes an object containing the following:

  • projectId, clientKey, and appId. As was covered in part 1, these are universally required values when working with Particle, as they allow your API requests to be authenticated. If you don’t have them already, retrieve these values from the Particle dashboard.
  • chainName and chainId, the name and ID for the specific chain you intend on using within your application.

The resulting instance (defined in a variable of your choice) will be equivalent to a constructed instance of ParticleNetwork (see the recipe below for more information on this).

You’ll also need to configure the BiconomyAccountModule object, which will allow you to spin up a smart account instance and tie it to the EOA generated during the social login process with Particle Auth. This should be done through a new instance of BiconomyAccountModule.SmartAccount, which takes:

  • provider, an EIP-1193 provider object. In this case, that should be new ParticleProvider(particle.auth), with ParticleProvider imported from @biconomy/particle-auth.
  • An object containing:
    • projectId, clientKey, and appId. These are pulled from the Particle dashboard, as mentioned above.
    • networkConfig, an array of objects. Each object should contain:
      • dappAPIKey, the API key of your Paymaster made on the Biconomy dashboard.
      • chainId, the ID of the chain the Paymaster associated with dappAPIKey is deployed on.

This object can then be used directly for the construction of a custom Ethers provider, similarly to part 1. Specifically, you’ll need to construct this Ethers object (ethers.providers.Web3Provider for V5, or ethers.BrowserProvider for V6) with a new instance of BiconomyAccountModule.BiconomyWrapProvider (like AAWrapProvider from part 1), passing in:

  • smartAccount, the object previously initialized through BiconomyAccountModule.SmartAccount.
  • sendTxMode, the method by which gas fees will be paid. This is optional and will be the standard method by default (where gas fees are paid by native tokens on the user smart account). If you’d like transactions to be gasless or paid for with ERC-20 tokens, you’ll need to set this as BiconomyAccountModule.SendTransactionMode.Gasless or BiconomyAccountModule.SendTransactionMode.UserSelect.

For an example of the full configuration process covered above, see the code snippet below:

import {
} from "@biconomy/particle-auth";

const config = {
  projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID!,
  clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY!,
	appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID!,

const particle = new ParticleAuthModule.ParticleNetwork({
  chainName: "Ethereum",
	chainId: 5,

const smartAccount = new BiconomyAccountModule.SmartAccount(new ParticleProvider(particle.auth), {
	networkConfig: [
			dappAPIKey: "ezg0CQxYc.472e7fbb-dd45-49ff-8ffd-f453c3add16a",
      chainId: 5,

const customProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(new BiconomyAccountModule.BiconomyWrapProvider(smartAccount, BiconomyAccountModule.SendTransactionMode.Gasless), "any");


With your custom Ethers object created, you can send transactions normally (routed as UserOperations), replicating the same functionality covered within Part 1, but through Biconomy’s native Particle Auth SDK rather than Particle Auth Core.

Thus, executing transactions involves retrieving the Signer object ({your custom provider object}.getSigner), constructing a transaction (not a UserOperation), then sending it with {your signer object}.sendTransaction.

As in Particle Network’s AA SDK, the smartAccount object built earlier can also be used directly for the construction and execution of transactions. Specifically, smartAccount has methods such as createGaslessTransaction and createUserPaidTransaction which take a standard transaction object and automatically create a corresponding UserOperation. This can then be sent with the sendGaslessTransaction or sendUserPaidTransaction methods (alongside their counterparts for UserOperations that are already signed, such as sendGaslessSignedTransaction).

To learn more about the utilization process of @biconomy/particle-auth (with a custom provider, not smartAccount), take a look at the recipe below:


Particle Network aims to provide developers with a modular, open account abstraction stack where any infrastructure provider can be used directly with Particle Auth or Particle Auth Core to facilitate AA-enabled social logins. With Biconomy being one of these core providers, there are various options for using its infrastructure with Particle, specifically when it comes to a native integration (as Biconomy is the only natively supported Paymaster provider outside of Particle’s own Omnichain Paymaster).

To dive into the example shown within part 1, see its particle-biconomy-example demo repository. Additionally, the full repository for the @biconomy/particle-auth example shown here is also available through particle-biconomy-sdk-demo.