May 29, 2024

  1. Smart WaaS
    1. New Chains
      1. Taiko Mainnet

May 20, 2024

  1. Particle Connect
    1. Add full support for EIP-6963
  2. Smart WaaS
    1. Add new chain: Hybrid Testnet
    2. Xterio Account supports Ethereum mainnet, BNB Chain mainnet, opBNB mainnet, Base mainnet, Arbitrum One Mainnet & Polygon mainnet

May 11, 2024

  1. Smart WaaS
    1. Update chains supported by Biconomy V2
  2. BTC Connect
    1. Add 2.1.0 implementation which supports EIP-1271:
    2. Add new methods: personal_sign and eth_signTypedData_v4
    3. Accounts using lower version implementations will get upgraded automatically

April 26, 2024

  1. Smart WaaS
    1. New Chains
      1. Cyber
    2. Add Xterio Account & Xterio Chain support
  2. BTC Connect
    1. Support BOB Mainnet

April 19, 2024

  1. Smart WaaS
    1. New Chains
      1. X Layer

April 15, 2024

  1. Smart WaaS
    1. New Chains
      1. Peaq Krest & Agung
      2. Astar zkEVM Mainnet & Testnet
      3. Immutable zkEVM Testnet
      4. Xterio Mainnet
      5. Polygon Amoy
    2. Deprecated Chains
      1. Polygon Mumbai
      2. Polygon zkEVM Testnet
  2. BTC Connect
    1. New Chains
      1. BOB Testnet
      2. BSquared Mainnet
      3. Bitlayer Mainnet

March 28, 2024

  1. BTC Connect
    1. XVerse wallet supported;
    2. BTC Smart Account V2 comes to new chains:
      1. Mantle Mainnet
      2. AINN Testnet
  2. New Chain Support for Smart WaaS
    1. Ancient8 Mainnet
    2. zkLink Nova Maiinnet(* only Particle Auth supported by now)
    3. Xterio Testnet
    4. GMNetwork Testnet
  3. Other
    1. Goerli and related L2s are not supported now.

March 21, 2024

  1. BTC Connect
    1. We have released the 2.0.0 version which optimizes gas consumption; the following chains have 2.0.0 deployed:
      1. Bitlayer
      2. Botanix
  2. New Chain Support
    1. Polygon zkEVM Cardona

March 7, 2024

  1. Auth
    1. Add multi-device login support at the App level, developers can turn on this setting on the Dashboard;
    2. Add redirect URL force checking support, after added on the Dashboard, other redirected URLs will be rejected;
  2. Account Abstraction
    1. Add transaction history for Smart Accounts, both embedded wallet and RPCs are supported;
    2. Optimize Mantle Mainnet's gas fee estimation.

March 1, 2024

  1. New Chains
    1. Blast Mainnet
  2. Account Abstraction
    1. Simple Account: Add Blast Mainnet Support(also Paymaster and Bundler)
  3. BTC Connect
    1. Modal adds a confirmation popup before the user's signature, displaying the transaction details and indicating whether the contract is a Verified contract;
    2. Embedded wallet adds BTC address interoperability, user can input BTC wallet address inside the embedded wallet.