🔮 The Particle Network Modular L1’s Testnet is now live in Phase 1. As such, early versions of some functionalities described here, like Universal Accounts, Universal Liquidity, and Universal Gas, are currently live. However, other components described are subject to changes and updates as Particle Network approaches Mainnet.

Built with the Cosmos SDK, Particle Network exists to coordinate and settle cross-chain transactions within a high-performance EVM execution environment (powered by Berachain’s BeaconKit). The L1 enables three core functionalities:

  1. Universal Accounts
  2. Universal Liquidity
  3. Universal Gas

Collectively, these allow for the unification of interactions across all chains, providing users with a single balance and account state. To achieve this, Particle Network coordinates and settles the atomic cross-chain transactions needed to fulfill users’ goals, moving funds across chains automatically.

Core Functionalities

Universal Accounts

Particle Network’s Universal Accounts aggregate token balances across all chains. This allows users to utilize their assets from all chains on dApps on any chain as if they were all in one wallet.

Universal Accounts achieve this through Universal Liquidity. They can be understood as specialized Smart Account implementations deployed and coordinated across all chains. A Universal Account can be created and managed by simply connecting a wallet which is then assigned to manage it. Users’ connected wallet can be either derived from either social logins through Particle Network’s Modular Smart Wallet-as-a-Service or a regular Web3 wallet, such as MetaMask, UniSat, Keplr, etc.

Developers will be able to leverage Universal Accounts within their dApps by simply implementing Particle Network’s Universal SDKs.

Universal Liquidity

Universal Liquidity is the technology facilitating the aggregation of balances across all chains. The architecture of Universal Liquidity is directly driven by atomic cross-chain transactions and swaps coordinated by Particle Network. These atomic transaction sequences are powered by Bundler nodes, which execute UserOperations on their target chains. Universal Liquidity relies on a network of Liquidity Providers (otherwise known as fillers) to move intermediary tokens –such as USDC and USDT– between chains through token pools.

An example of this can be seen through the usage of USDC on multiple chains to purchase an NFT (priced in ETH) on Base. In this scenario:

  1. Particle Network aggregates the user’s USDC balances across chains.
  2. Allows the user to purchase the NFT using their assets.
  3. Upon confirming the transaction, Particle Network automatically swaps this USDC to ETH and purchases the NFT. These additional on-chain operations only add a few seconds of processing and are completed unbeknownst to the user.

Transaction flow for cross-chain UserOperations, between Polygon and Base as an example.

Universal Gas

Through Universal Liquidity’s unification of balances across chains, Particle Network also solves the fragmentation of gas tokens.

Historically, maintaining gas fee balances across chains (i.e., holding multiple gas tokens on different wallets) has been a significant point of friction for users. To solve this problem, Particle Network uses its native Paymaster to allow users to pay for gas fees using any token on any chain. These transactions are ultimately settled in the Particle Network L1 through the chain’s native token, $PARTI. Users do not need to hold $PARTI to use Universal Accounts, as their gas tokens are automatically swapped to be used for settlement.

Stack of core functionalities provided by Particle Network's Modular L1.


Particle Network takes a unique and innovative approach to its foundational architecture. Our modular L1 compartmentalizes different infrastructural components to decentralize certain tasks, even outsourcing some to third parties.

Utility and key modules

Particle Network leverages three primary modules to solve Web3’s fragmentation of users and accounts across chains:

  • Master Keystore Hub: Particle Network’s Master Keystore Hub acts as the central component and source of truth used for coordinating smart contract deployments and updates across all networks. It automatically synchronizes settings, such as modules and signers, between each Universal Account instance, ensuring state parity across networks. Account settings are stored on Particle Network to be used as a central source of truth across every instance. Our L1 then facilitates cross-chain messages to either deploy new instances abiding by these settings or update existing instances as they change.
  • Decentralized Messaging Network (DMN): On Particle Network, Relayer Nodes use a native Messaging Protocol to monitor whether UserOperations on external chains have been executed successfully, and then settle the execution status on our L1. This network of decentralized Relayer Nodes, tasked with monitoring external chain events and the settlement of state events, is called the Decentralized Messaging Network.
  • Decentralized Bundler: While current implementations of ERC-4337 account abstraction Bundlers are centralized (and as such censorable), Particle Network has designed and implemented a fully decentralized Bundler network for high-volume, cross-chain UserOperation processing. Within this implementation, node operators running Bundler nodes, initiate and execute UserOperations on external chains.

Aggregated Data Availability (AggDA)

Within modular blockchain architectures, the most commonly outsourced component is Data Availability (DA). Particle Network is no exception, although it takes a unique approach to the implementation of external DA layers.

Particle aims to maximize its network’s security and stability while avoiding single points of failure to ensure resilience. This is particularly important for its primary use case due to the sensitive task of coordinating cross-chain transactions across the entire blockchain ecosystem, maintaining Universal Accounts’ state. In the context of DA, Particle achieves this resilience by aggregating multiple providers. These are:

Each of the above DA solutions brings unique benefits and performance priorities, and can be used in conjunction for maximal security and stability. Particle leverages either random deterministic redundancy (for added availability) or selective conditional publishing (for higher efficiency) for each block, posting and verifying data between different DA layers accordingly through the usage of Aggregated DA nodes. This model significantly enhances availability,stability, redundancy, efficiency, and decentralization.

Dual Staking

Following a similar philosophy to AggDA, Particle Network approaches consensus by ensuring a high degree of crypto-economic security and accessibility.

Bootstrapping a Proof-of-Stake network can be risky. If a new blockchain’s entire validator set is secured through the network’s native token, natural volatility affecting the newly-deployed token can impact the network’s stability. To solve this, Particle Network uses a dual staking model, leveraging both the economic security of BTC through Babylon and its native token, $PARTI to secure the network.

Our L1’s dual staking mechanism leverages two distinct pools of Validators: one secured by Particle Network’s native token, and another secured by BTC. Both groups are required to agree on validity individually, warranting equal participation in consensus.

A model of this nature significantly reduces pressure and security dependence on Particle Network’s native token, instead bootstrapping the network through the crypto-economic security provided by BTC staking.