Building with Particle Auth

Understanding Particle Auth

Particle Auth exists at the center of Particle Network's Smart Wallet-as-a-Service tech stack. Specifically, Particle Auth is the core infrastructure component powering social logins and facilitating programmatic interaction with accounts generated through them. This makes it the all-in-one service for onboarding users and leveraging Wallet-as-a-Service within your application.

While Particle Auth is a standalone service, meaning it can be used solely as an isolated product for implementing Wallet-as-a-Service. It's also used as an infrastructural component driving social login within other Particle Network products such as Particle Connect, the Particle RainbowKit extension, etc.

Particle Auth uses MPC-TSS (Multi-Party Computation with Threshold-Signature-Schemes) to generate non-custodial wallets derived from social accounts. Upon logging in with a given social login mechanism, a key pair is generated and secured through MPC-TSS, splitting it into multiple shares to be used for distributed signature generation. Upon using the key pair for a signature, each share (for most implementations, these will be two, one accessible locally/through a backup system, the second within a TEE) participates in the generation of a signature, thus resulting in the ability to authenticate signatures without the unification of a whole private key. For more information on MPC-TSS, look at Security (MPC-TSS).

Particle Auth enables a natural (and customizable) flow from social login to account generation and, ultimately, authentication (signature generation), allowing for a Web2-adjacent user experience, abstracting away the typical seed-phrase management convention.

Integrating Particle Auth

Adding Particle Auth to an application can happen through various mechanisms, largely dependent on your specific platform. Particle Auth has SDKs spanning three desktop and seven mobile platforms. This means that, regardless of where or how your application is built, you're likely using a stack compatible with Particle Auth.

To begin diving into the specifics of integrating Particle Auth within your platform of choice, choose the corresponding SDK reference from the cards below, or take a look at Web (Desktop) Quickstart and Mobile (Android/iOS) Quickstart for technical overviews of the integration process.

To learn more about the degree to which you can customize Particle Auth, go to Particle Auth.

Web3 API Cards


Interacting with Particle Auth within web applications using either JavaScript or TypeScript.


Unity (Desktop) SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within Desktop games built on Unity using C#.


Unity (Mobile) SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within Mobile games built on Unity using C#.


Android SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth on Android using Kotlin.



Interacting with Particle Auth on iOS using Swift or Objective-C.


Flutter SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within applications built using Flutter.


React Native SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within applications built using React Native.


Cocos SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within applications built using Cocos.


Unreal Engine SDK

Interacting with Particle Auth within applications built using Unreal Engine.
