Particle Wallet For Unity

Particle Wallet, within Unity applications, acts as a unified interface for both Web2 (via social login) and Web3 (via external wallets) accounts, working directly with Particle Connect. Particle Wallet on Unity provides games with a standard UI (yet customizable) UI for sending, swapping, and purchasing cryptocurrency natively within a corresponding account. Because of this, Particle Wallet is best described as wallet infrastructure, not a standalone wallet.

Details regarding the configuration and utilization of the Particle Wallet Unity SDK can be found below.


Before diving in, all of the Particle Network Unity SDKs (for Particle Auth, Particle Connect, and Particle Wallet) are publicly available and viewable through the official repository. Feel free to look at the underlying architecture and demos showcasing end-to-end implementation for an initial understanding of working with Particle Wallet on Unity.

Getting Started


To start, your Unity project must meet several requirements to avoid compatibility issues. These requirements will be, in some capacity, dependent on the platform that you’ve decided to use. They are as follows:

  • Unity 2022.3.43f1 or higher.
  • If you’re using iOS:
    • Xcode 15.0 or higher.
    • CocoaPods 1.14.3 or higher.
    • iOS 14 or higher.
  • If you’re using Android:
    • minSdkVersion 23 or higher.
    • compileSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion 34 or higher.
    • JavaVersion 17.
    • Jetpack (AndroidX).
    • Android Gradle Plugin Version : 8.5.1 or higher.
    • Gradle Version : 8.9 or higher.

Setting up the Particle dashboard

Once you’ve ensured your project meets the above prerequisites, you’ll also need three key values from the Particle dashboard: your projectId, clientKey, and appId.

These directly connect your Unity project with the Particle dashboard, enabling customization, analytics, tracking, etc.

Follow the quickstart tutorial to set up a project and find the required keys: Create a new project.


With these values retrieved, you can move on to initial configuration and dependency management. This will vary in complexity depending on the platform in question. To begin, for both iOS and Android, you’ll need to download and install the Particle Unity package.

Head over to the particle-unity GitHub repository, and download the latest release (.unitypackage), then import this into your project.

iOS configuration

If you’re building a Unity game on iOS, you must follow a specific configuration process to ensure that Particle Wallet functions. The first step within this process is to set up a scheme URL within the Unity editor.

  1. Head into the iOS Player Settings menu (Edit -> Project Settings -> Player Settings -> iOS).
  2. From here, select Other, then scroll down to Configuration.
  3. Open the Supported URL schemes section, and within the Element 0 field, paste in your projectId with a prefix of pn.
    For example, if your projectId (from the Particle dashboard) is something like 63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f, then the scheme URL, in this case, would be pn63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f.

Remove other services, if needed

Within ParticleNetworkIOSBridge.cs, you’ll have a number of services included in the SDK:

- ParticleNetworkBase - required universally.

- ParticleAuthCore - required for Particle Auth Core.

- ParticleConnect- required for Particle Connect.

  • ParticleWalletGUI - usage of the Particle Wallet UI, contains all services.

- ParticleAA - usage of the Particle AA, contains all services.

You’ll also need to configure your Podfile if you haven’t already. If you don’t have a Podfile, go to the root of your project directory and run pod initto generate one.

Open this Podfile, and insert the specific pods (services) you’d like to use within your project. In this case, ParticleWalletGUI will generally suffice, but additional services can be added if needed.

Additionally, you’ll need to paste in the below code snippet for installation handling:

pod 'ParticleWalletGUI'
// Also include:
pod 'SkeletonView', :git => '', :branch => 'main'
pod 'SwiftyUserDefaults', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
pod 'WalletConnectSwiftV2', :git => '', :branch => 'particle'

// Paste this
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
  target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Also you can copy the example Podfile .

With your Podfile set, you’ll need to run pod install and open your .xcworkspace file, as shown below:

pod install --repo-update

open {your project}.xcworkspace

Finally, for iOS, you’ll need to use the projectId, clientKey, and appId previously retrieved. To do this, head into the root of your Xcode project and create a file, ParticleNetwork-Info.plist. Within this file, paste the following text, then replace the placeholders:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Android configuration

Alternatively, if you’re building your Unity game for Android, you’ll just need to configure two files before you’re ready. The first of these two files can be found at Assets/Plugins/Android/launcherTemplate.gradle within your project. Here, you’ll need to ensure that you have the necessary dependencies included.

You’ll need the following dependencies at a minimum:

  • network.particle:wallet-service, required for Particle Wallet.
  • network.particle:auth-service, if you’re planning on using Particle Auth directly.
  • network.particle:connect, if you’re planning on using Particle Connect directly.
  • network.particle:unity-bridge, required universally.
dependencies {
    implementation project(':unityLibrary')
    implementation "network.particle:wallet-service:${sdkVersion}"
    implementation "network.particle:unity-bridge:${sdkVersion}"
  	// Other dependencies

Finally, for Android, you’ll need to place your projectId, clientKey, and appId within, found at Assets/Plugins/Android/ Client Key Project ID App ID

With all of this set up, you can now drag the ParticleWalletGUI.prefab file into your first scene.

Examples of Utilization


With your Unity project configured and ready to go, you’ll need to do one more thing before the full extent of the SDK is available: initialization. ParticleWalletGUI will need to be initialized before Particle Wallet will work properly.

To do this, you’ll need to call ParticleWalletGUI.ParticleWalletConnectInitialize, passing in metadata, which contains the following:

  • walletConnectProjectId, your WalletConnect project ID retrieved from the WalletConnect dashboard.
  • name, the name of your project.
  • icon, a URL linking to the icon/logo of your project - ideally 512x512.
  • url, the URL of your project’s website.
  • description, a short description of your project.
  • Optionally, redirect and verifyUrl can also be added.

Additionally, if you’re using ParticleNetwork and ParticleConnectInteraction for Particle Connect or Auth, you can initialize them in the same place and using the same metadata.

var metadata = new DAppMetaData(TestConfig.walletConnectProjectId, "Particle Connect",
    "", "Particle Unity Demo");

ParticleConnectInteraction.Init(ChainInfo.Ethereum, metadata);


Now that ParticleWalletGUI is initialized and set to go, you can move onto configuring and customizing the wallet interface itself, choosing the specific options that are enabled and disabled within the wallet, the language used, and more. This can be done through ParticleWalletGUI.{configuration method}. The specific methods available here include the following:

  • SetSupportChain, sets the array of supported blockchain networks. It accepts an array of chain information, with the default being all chains.

  • SetPayDisabled, toggles the ability to perform buy transactions within the interface. It takes a Boolean, true or false, with no default value specified.

  • SetShowTestNetwork, controls the visibility of the test network. It accepts a Boolean value, true or false.

  • SetShowManageWallet, determines whether the manage wallet page is displayed. It takes a Boolean parameter, true or false.

  • SetDisplayTokenAddresses, specifies which token addresses are displayed, filtering out others. It accepts an array of token addresses to be displayed.

  • SetDisplayNFTContractAddresses, sets specific NFT contract addresses to be displayed, hiding others. It takes an array of NFT addresses.

  • SetPriorityTokenAddresses, prioritizes certain tokens to be shown at the top of the list. It accepts an array of token addresses.

  • SetPriorityNFTContractAddresses, sets certain NFTs to appear at the top of the list. It requires an array of NFT addresses. Similar to SetPriorityTokenAddresses.

  • SetSupportAddToken, toggles the display of the add token button in the main wallet page. It takes a Boolean value, true or false.

  • SetSupportWalletConnect, controls support for wallet connect as a wallet option. It accepts a Boolean value, true or false.

  • SetSupportDappBrowser, determines whether the dApp browser should be shown on the wallet page. It takes a Boolean parameter, true, or false.

  • SetShowLanguageSetting, controls the visibility of the language setting button in the settings page. It accepts a Boolean parameter, either true or false.

  • SetShowAppearanceSetting, toggles the display of the appearance setting button in the settings page. It takes a Boolean value, true or false.


ParticleWalletGUI.SetSupportChain(new []{chainInfo});





ParticleWalletGUI.SetDisplayTokenAddresses(new []{"Your token address"});
ParticleWalletGUI.SetDisplayNFTContractAddresses(new []{"Your NFT address"});

ParticleWalletGUI.SetPriorityTokenAddresses(new []{"Your token address"});
ParticleWalletGUI.SetPriorityNFTContractAddresses(new []{"Your NFT address"});








Open Wallet

Within ParticleWalletGUI, you can also force specific pages of Particle Wallet to open, passing in specific preset configurations. In this case, you can programmatically open the main page of the wallet with NavigatorWallet and pass in a binary (0 or 1), indicating whether the main page should display ERC20/SPL tokens (0), or NFTs (1). E.g.:

int display = 0;

Open Receive Token

Similarly, you can open a standalone page for receiving cryptocurrency. This’ll include the user’s address alongside a corresponding QR code. To do this, you’ll need to call ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorTokenReceive. If you’d like, you can pass in a specific tokenAddress to create a token-specific QR code, including its icon/logo at the center. E.g.:


Open Send Token

To open the token sending page (ERC20/SPL/native), you’ll can use ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorTokenSend, optionally passing in various parameters such as tokenAddress, toAddress, and amount to predefine values within the interface. E.g.:

ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorTokenSend(tokenAddress, toAddress, amount);

Open Transaction Records

You can also return a page displaying the transaction records of a connected wallet, ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorTokenTransactionRecords, which optionally takes one parameter, tokenAddress, for filtering the results only to include transactions that involve a specified ERC20/721 token address. E.g.:


Open NFT Send

Similar to the token sending page, you can also return an NFT sending page for moving (sending) a specific NFT to a different address. This can be done through ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorNFTSend, taking:

mintstring(contractAddress) of a given NFT.
tokenIdstringThe token ID of an NFT (within the collection defined by mint). This can be left as null for Solana.
receiveAddressstring?The recipient address, a blank string by default.
amountstring?The volume of NFT (mint) to be sent, ERC172 NFT should set 1


ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorNFTSend(contractAddress, tokenId, null, null);

Open NFT Details

Particle Wallet also natively supports viewing specific NFTs (traits, description, image, etc.). Forcing this menu programmatically can happen through ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorNFTDetails, passing in the contractAddress of the NFT and the specific tokenId. For Solana, tokenId can be left blank. E.g.:

ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorNFTDetails(contractAddress, tokenId);

Open Buy Crypto

Particle Wallet also has a native onramp aggregator, allowing users to bring fiat on-chain through various onramp providers. Opening this programmatically can happen through ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorBuyCrypto, passing in several optional parameters to customize the values used within the onramp. Upon calling, this will throw a popup or total redirect over to a corresponding configuration of

The specific parameters that can be used within ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorBuyCrypto are listed below:

WalletAddressstring?(Optional) The wallet address to receive the cryptocurrency, default is current user address.
ChainInfoChainInfo?(Optional) The chainInfo, default is current chainInfo.
CryptoCoinstring?(Optional) Cryptocurrency denomination. Default is current chain native token symbol.
FiatCoinString?(Optional) Fiat currency denomination. Default is current fiat coin.
FiatAmtint?(Optional) The amount of fiat to be automatically filled in as the purchase volume.
FixFiatCoinbool(Optional) Lock selection of fiat coin in the buy menu, default is false.
FixCryptoCoinbool(Optional) Lock selection of fiat amount in the buy menu, default is false.
ThemeTheme?(Optional) The buy page theme, Dark or Light, default is false.
LanguageLanguage?(Optional) The buy page lanuage, default is current language.
modalStyleiOSModalPresentStyle?(Optional) Control iOS presentation style, default is PageSheet.
BuyCryptoConfig config = new BuyCryptoConfig(TestAccount.EVM.PublicAddress,
                             OpenBuyNetwork.BinanceSmartChain, "BNB", "USD", 100);


Open Swap

Additionally, Particle Wallet has a built-in swap functionality (retrieves multiple quotes from different providers such as 1inch, iZUMi, etc., routing the swap through the best one) for Mainnets (Solana and EVM). Throwing this menu can be done through ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorSwap, which alone will open the default swap menu without values filled in, although you can pass in several optional parameters, including:

fromTokenAddressstring(Optional) the swap pair from token address
toTokenAddressstring(Optional) the swap pair to token address
amountstring(Optional) the swap from token amount, should pass the minimal unit string, for example 0.01 ETH, it’s decimals is 18, should pass “10000000000000000”
modalStyleiOSModalPresentStyle(Optional) control iOS presentation style, default is PageSheet.



ParticleWalletGUI.NavigatorSwap(fromTokenAddress, toTokenAddress, fromTokenAmount);

Switch Wallet

Finally, before opening the UI, if you’d like to switch the WalletType (walletType in this case) reflected and used within the wallet itself, you can use ParticleWalletGUI.Instance.SwitchWallet, passing in the specific walletType (see Particle Connect iOS for more information) and targeted user address, publicAddress. E.g.:

var walletType = WalletType.MetaMask;
var nativeResultData = await ParticleWalletGUI.Instance.SwitchWallet(walletType, publicAddress);