Particle Connect for Web

Particle Connect enables a unified modal driving connection with social logins (through Particle Auth) and standard Web3 wallets, creating an equally accessible experience for Web3 natives and traditional consumers.

In essence, Particle Connect is an all-in-one SDK capable of handling end-to-end onboarding and wallet connection.

Leveraging Particle Connect as the primary connection mechanism (the Connect button within your application) only takes a few steps, as outlined below.


Before you begin, feel free to explore and test the Particle Connect Demo to contextualize the information covered below.

Additionally, a boilerplate and associated quickstart is available here.

Getting Started


To begin, you must install the Particle Connect Web SDK alongside viem.

Below is an example of doing so using yarn.

yarn add @particle-network/connectkit viem@^2

Setting up the Particle dashboard

Before jumping directly into configuration and implementation, you must ensure you’ve retrieved your projectId, clientKey, and appId from the Particle dashboard.

These are required values, and you’ll need in the coming configuration process; they’ll authenticate your instance of Particle Connect.

Follow the Particle Connect quickstart tutorial to set up a project and find the required keys.


Once Particle Connect is installed and you have your project keys, you can configure the SDK. Simply wrap your application in the ConnectKitProvider component to apply customizations and insert the aforementioned keys.

Here, you’ll configure the following core parameters:

  • projectId, clientKey, and appId — required values from the Particle dashboard.
  • chains — the supported chains for your dApp; these are viem-originating objects imported from @particle-network/connectkit/chains.
  • walletConnectors — an array of connectors representing the wallets you’d like to support within your dApp.
  • Optionally, plugins — plugins enabling Particle’s embedded wallet interface or implementing account abstraction.
  • Optionally, appearance — deep customization options affecting the login modal.

Below is a code snippet showcasing a structured configuration of ConnectKitProvider, using the parameters above.

Create a new component named connectkit.tsx and follow the template to set up your configuration.

'use client';

import { ConnectKitProvider, createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { authWalletConnectors } from '@particle-network/connectkit/auth';
import { mainnet, solana } from '@particle-network/connectkit/chains';
import { evmWalletConnectors } from '@particle-network/connectkit/evm';
import { injected as solaInjected, solanaWalletConnectors } from '@particle-network/connectkit/solana';
import { wallet, EntryPosition } from '@particle-network/connectkit/wallet';
import React from 'react';

//Retrived from
const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID as string;
const clientKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_KEY as string;
const appId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID as string;
const walletConnectProjectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID as string;

if (!projectId || !clientKey || !appId) {
    throw new Error('Please configure the Particle project in .env first!');

const config = createConfig({
    appearance: {
        // Optional, collection of properties to alter the appearance of the connection modal
        // Optional, label and sort wallets (to be shown in the connection modal)
        recommendedWallets: [
            { walletId: 'metaMask', label: 'Recommended' },
            { walletId: 'coinbaseWallet', label: 'popular' },
        splitEmailAndPhone: false, // Optional, displays Email and phone number entry separately
        collapseWalletList: false, // Optional, hide wallet list behind a button
        hideContinueButton: false, // Optional, remove "Continue" button underneath Email or phone number entry
        connectorsOrder: ['email', 'phone', 'social', 'wallet'], //  Optional, sort connection methods (index 0 will be placed at the top)
        language: 'en-US', // Optional, also supported ja-JP, zh-CN, zh-TW, and ko-KR
        mode: 'light', // Optional, changes theme between light, dark, or auto (which will change it based on system settings)
        theme: {
            '--pcm-accent-color': '#ff4d4f',
            // ... other options
        logo: 'https://...',
        filterCountryCallingCode: (countries) => {
            // Optional, whitelist or blacklist phone numbers from specific countries
            return countries.filter((item) => item === 'US');
    walletConnectors: [
            metadata: { name: 'My App', icon: '', description: '', url: '' }, // Optional, this is Metadata used by WalletConnect and Coinbase
            walletConnectProjectId: 'Replace with your WalletConnect Project ID', // optional, retrieved from
            // Optional, configure this if you're using social logins
            authTypes: ['email', 'google', 'apple', 'twitter', 'github'], // Optional, restricts the types of social logins supported
            fiatCoin: 'USD', // Optional, also supports CNY, JPY, HKD, INR, and KRW
            promptSettingConfig: {
                // Optional, changes the frequency in which the user is asked to set a master or payment password
                // 0 = Never ask
                // 1 = Ask once
                // 2 = Ask always, upon every entry
                // 3 = Force the user to set this password
                promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: 1,
                promptPaymentPasswordSettingWhenSign: 1,
        solanaWalletConnectors(), // Optional, you need to configure it when using Solana
    plugins: [
            // Optional configurations for the attached embedded wallet modal
            entryPosition: EntryPosition.BR, // Alters the position in which the modal button appears upon login
            visible: true, // Dictates whether or not the wallet modal is included/visible or not
            customStyle: {
                displayTokenAddresses: ["0x4d224452801ACEd8B2F0aebE155379bb5D594381"], // Display a custom token within the wallet modal
                priorityTokenAddresses: ["0x4d224452801ACEd8B2F0aebE155379bb5D594381"],
    chains: [mainnet, solana],

// Export ConnectKitProvider to be used within your index or layout file (or use createConfig directly within those files).
export const ParticleConnectkit = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
    return <ConnectKitProvider config={config}>{children}</ConnectKitProvider>;

When using a framework that supports React Server Components, such as Next.js, you must include the "use client" directive at the beginning of the file.

Next, import the ParticleConnectKit component (representing ConnectKitProvider) and wrap your application with it in your index or layout file. Here’s an example of a layout.tsx file:

import type { Metadata } from 'next';
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google';
import './globals.css';

// Import the ConnectKitProvider configuration (exported as ParticleConnectKit)
import { ParticleConnectkit } from './components/Connectkit';

const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] });

export const metadata: Metadata = {
    title: 'Particle Connect',
    description: 'Demo showcasing a quickstart for Particle Connect 2.0',

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
    children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
    return (
        <html lang="en">
            <body className={inter.className}>

Selecting Chains

Particle Connect supports multiple EVM chains alongside Solana.

Refer to the Network Coverage page for a detailed list of supported chains.

You can easily import predefined chains from @particle-network/connectkit/chains.

You can also integrate additional EVM-compatible chains by defining custom chain objects that extend the Chain type if you are connecting to a standard wallet (without using an embedded wallet or social login features).

// Importing some predefined examples.
import {
} from '@particle-network/connectkit/chains';

// Define Custom Chains
const merlinTestnet = defineChain({
    id: 686868,
    name: 'Merlin Testnet',
    nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'Bitcoin',
        symbol: 'BTC',
    rpcUrls: {
        default: {
            http: [''],
    blockExplorers: {
        default: { name: 'Explorer', url: '' },
    testnet: true,
      custom: {
    icon: "https://ICON_URL",

This example demonstrates importing predefined chains and defining a custom chain (Merlin Testnet). By doing so, you can expand your application’s network capabilities to include virtually any EVM-compatible chain.

Defining custom chains through defineChain will only work with supported chain IDs (those listed in Network Coverage), as such, this function is primarily for using custom RPCs, explorers, symbols, etc.

Adding the connection button

Moving out of your index file and into your main App component, you’ll need to include the Connect button (ConnectButton from @particle-network/connectkit) to facilitate the utilization of Particle Connect.

You can then use isConnected from useAccount() to handle your frontend post-connection.

"use client";

import { ConnectButton, useAccount } from "@particle-network/connectkit";

const App = () => {
  const { address, isConnected, chainId } = useAccount();

  // Standard ConnectButton utilization
  return (
      <ConnectButton />
      {isConnected && (
          <h2>Address: {address}</h2>
          <h2>Chain ID: {chainId}</h2>

export default App;

Customizing the Connect Button Widget

The ConnectButton component turns into an embedded widget that displays a chain selector on one side and address/account information on the other after the user logs in.

If you want to remove the chain selector portion of the widget, you can do it by adding the following styles to your global.css file:


/* Hide the chain selector elements */
.sc-dUMaFF.iLJvQa {
  display: none;

.sc-dKGrn.cHiobV {
  display: none;

These styles target the specific elements responsible for rendering the chain selector, effectively removing them from the widget’s interface.

Ensure the class names (.sc-dUMaFF.iLJvQa and .sc-dKGrn.cHiobV) match the generated CSS in your project. These names may vary depending on your library or framework, so inspect your component’s rendered DOM if the provided selectors do not work.

Login Modal Appearance

The appearance property allows you to customize the modal’s style, including changing the accent color, border radius, primary button color, font, and more.

You can try it in the Particle Demo and export the configuration.

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { authWalletConnectors } from '@particle-network/connectkit/auth';

const config = createConfig({
    appearance: {
        mode: 'light',
        theme: {
            // modal
            '--pcm-overlay-background': 'rgba(71, 88, 107, 0.24)',
            '--pcm-overlay-backdrop-filter': 'blur(6px)',
            '--pcm-modal-box-shadow': '0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',

            // background
            '--pcm-body-background': '#ffffff',
            '--pcm-body-background-secondary': '#EFF0F2',
            '--pcm-body-background-tertiary': '#F9F9FA',

            // foreground
            '--pcm-body-color': '#181B1E',
            '--pcm-body-color-secondary': '#8B8EA1',
            '--pcm-body-color-tertiary': '#DCDFE6',

            '--pcm-body-action-color': '#999999',
            '--pcm-accent-color': '#A257FA',
            '--pcm-focus-color': '#A257FA',

            // button
            '--pcm-button-font-weight': '500',
            '--pcm-button-hover-shadow': '0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
            '--pcm-button-border-color': '#EAECF0',

            // primary button
            '--pcm-primary-button-color': '#ffffff',
            '--pcm-primary-button-background': '#181B1E',
            '--pcm-primary-button-hover-background': '#353738',

            // font
            '--pcm-font-family': `-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica,
    'Apple Color Emoji', Arial, sans-serif, 'Segoe UI Emoji',
    'Segoe UI Symbol'`,

            // radius
            '--pcm-rounded-sm': '6px',
            '--pcm-rounded-md': '12px',
            '--pcm-rounded-lg': '18px',
            '--pcm-rounded-xl': '24px',
            '--pcm-rounded-full': '9999px',

            '--pcm-success-color': '#58C08F',
            '--pcm-warning-color': '#F59E0A',
            '--pcm-error-color': '#EA4335',

            '--pcm-wallet-label-color': '#33C759',
    // Other connectors..

To ensure a better experience, specify the mode as light or dark if you customize the background or foreground. Your custom theme will override the current mode’s default values (light, dark, auto).

Wallet Connectors

Social Logins

Particle Connect relies on Particle Auth for social authentication.

With Particle Auth, you can onboard users through email, phone, and various social logins (Google, X, and so on).

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { authWalletConnectors } from '@particle-network/connectkit/auth';

const config = createConfig({
    walletConnectors: [
            authTypes: ['email', 'google', 'apple', 'twitter', 'github'], // Optional, restricts the types of social logins supported
            fiatCoin: 'USD', // Optional, also supports CNY, JPY, HKD, INR, and KRW
            promptSettingConfig: {
                // Optional, changes the frequency in which the user is asked to set a master or payment password
                // 0 = Never ask
                // 1 = Ask once
                // 2 = Ask always, upon every entry
                // 3 = Force the user to set this password
                promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: 1,
                promptPaymentPasswordSettingWhenSign: 1,
    // Other connectors..

Authentication via Passkey

Particle Connect supports authentication with Passkey, a solution for secure, device-embedded authentication.

To enable Passkeys within your Particle Connect project, import passkeySmartWallet from "@particle-network/connectkit/evm" and include it in the evmWalletConnectors object.

Passkey authentication is exclusively available with Biconomy V2 or Coinbase smart accounts.
import {
} from "@particle-network/connectkit/evm";

const config = createConfig({
    walletConnectors: [
      // Replace this with your app metadata.
      metadata: { name: "Connectkit Demo", },
      connectorFns: [passkeySmartWallet()],
      multiInjectedProviderDiscovery: false,

      plugins: [
    // Embedded wallet configuration
      visible: true,
      entryPosition: EntryPosition.BR,

    // AA configuration
    // For Passkeys, use Biconomy or Coinbase
      name: "COINBASE",
      version: "1.0.0",
    // Other connectors..

EVM Wallets

In addition to social logins and Passkey, Particle Connect supports all standard EVM wallets, and you can use the injected method to support additional extension-based wallets that inject a provider.

Particle Connect supports the following EVM wallets by default:

  • MetaMask
  • WalletConnect
  • Phantom
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • OKX Wallet
  • Trust Wallet
  • Bitget Wallet

To enable these options, simply add EVM wallet connectors to walletConnectors (within your ConnectKitProvider config).

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { evmWalletConnectors, injected, walletConnect, coinbaseWallet } from '@particle-network/connectkit/evm';

const config = createConfig({
    walletConnectors: [
            metadata: { name: 'My App', icon: '', description: '', url: '' }, // Optional, this is Metadata used by WalletConnect and Coinbase
            walletConnectProjectId: 'Replace with your WalletConnect Project ID', // optional, retrieved from

            // Optional, defines specific wallet connectors to be supported
            connectorFns: [
                injected({ target: 'metaMask' }),
                injected({ target: 'trustWallet' }),
                injected({ target: 'okxWallet' }),
                walletConnect({ projectId: 'WalletConnect project id', showQrModal: false }),

                // Optional, include support for a specific injected wallet (that isn't already supported)
                    target: {
                        icon: 'https://...',
                        id: 'xxx', // Wallet Unique ID
                        name: 'XXX Wallet',
                        provider: (window) => {
                            return window?.xxx.ethereum;
            // EIP-6963: Multi Injected Provider Discovery, default true.
            multiInjectedProviderDiscovery: true,
    // Other connectors...

Solana Wallets

Finally, Particle Connect also supports all standard Solana wallets, and, similar to EVM wallets, you can use the injected method to customize support for specific wallets.

Particle Connect supports the following Solana wallets by default:

  • Phantom
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • OKX Wallet
  • Trust Wallet
  • Bitget Wallet

Add Solana wallet connectors to walletConnectors (within your ConnectKitProvider config) to enable these options.

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { solanaWalletConnectors, injected } from '@particle-network/connectkit/solana';

const config = createConfig({
    walletConnectors: [
            // Optional, defines specific wallet connectors to be supported
            connectorFns: [
                injected({ target: 'phantom' }),
                injected({ target: 'coinbaseWallet' }),
                injected({ target: 'bitKeep' }),
                injected({ target: 'trustWallet' }),
                injected({ target: 'okxWallet' }),
                // Optional, include support for a specific injected wallet (that isn't already supported)
                    target: {
                        icon: 'https://...',
                        id: 'xxx', // wallet unique id
                        name: 'XXX Wallet',
                        provider: (window) => {
                            return window?.xxx.solana;
    // Other connectors...


Embedded Wallet

The Embedded Wallet Plugin relies on Particle Wallet to display a complete wallet interface upon login. This interface displays user balances and NFTs, allows standard P2P transactions, allows swapping, and so on; this is particularly helpful when using social logins or account abstraction.

Once a user is connected, you can access the embedded wallet service (through MetaMask, Phantom, socials, etc.).

To enable this feature, simply add the wallet plugin to plugins (within your ConnectKitProvider config).

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { wallet, EntryPosition } from '@particle-network/connectkit/wallet';

const config = createConfig({
    plugins: [
            // Optional configurations for the attached embedded wallet modal
            entryPosition: EntryPosition.BR, // Alters the position in which the modal button appears upon login
            visible: true, // Dictates whether or not the wallet modal is included/visible or not
            widgetIntegration: 'modal', // Optional: changes the wallet widget integration type (modal or embedded)
            walletUrl: '', // Optional: custom wallet URL
            customStyle: {
                // Override the default configuration.
                // Define the wallet-specific configurations.
    // Other plugins...

Customizing the Embedded Wallet

You can embed the wallet widget anywhere in your application by setting widgetIntegration: 'embedded'. This allows you to have complete control over the wallet component’s visibility and placement.

Use the provided methods to append the wallet iframe to your desired location and listen for specific events (e.g., closing the wallet) to customize the user experience.

import { useEmbeddedWallet } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const { getWalletIFrame } = useEmbeddedWallet();

// get wallet widget
const walletIFrame = getWalletIFrame();
// then you can append the wallet widget to your desired location

// listen to the message event to close the wallet widget
    (event) => {
        if (event?.data?.type === 'PARTICLE_WALLET_CLOSE_IFRAME') {
            // TODO: close wallet widget

Account Abstraction

Particle Connect comes with built-in Account Abstraction support, which you can enable using the aa plugin.

This plugin leverages Particle’s Account Abstraction SDK to use ERC-4337 features in your application.

Particle Network offers support for several smart account implementations, including:

  • Biconomy
  • CyberConnect
  • Simple
  • Light
  • Xterio

Refer to the Network Coverage page for a complete list of supported chains across these smart accounts. All available smart accounts and further details are on the AA SDK page.

To enable Account Abstraction features, add the aa plugin to the plugins section of your ConnectKitProvider configuration:

import { createConfig } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { aa } from '@particle-network/connectkit/aa';

const config = createConfig({
    plugins: [
            name: 'BICONOMY',
            version: '2.0.0',
    // Other plugins...

Use Smart Account

When you enable Account Abstraction, you’ll need to handle the resulting account differently than you would typically; specifically, you’ll need to use an instance of the useSmartAccount hook for constructing and sending UserOperations (transactions); these methods are available directly on the useSmartAccount instance.

Alternatively, this instance can be plugged into AAWrapProvider (generates an 1193-compatible provider) from @particle-network/aa to leverage the smart account through a standard library, such as Ethers.

For more information about working with Particle Network’s account abstraction stack, head to the relevant SDK reference.

Example of sending a UserOperation:

import { useSmartAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const smartAccount = useSmartAccount();
const userOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOperation({
    tx: {
        to: recipientAddress,
        value: '0x1', // 1wei
        data: '0x',
const txHash = await smartAccount.sendUserOperation(userOp);

Retrieve the Smart Account Address

After initializing an instance of the useSmartAccount hook, you can easily obtain the account’s address with the getAddress method.

This is particularly useful for fetching and displaying balances or showing the address within your application’s UI. Importantly, the typical hooks used for retrieving user addresses will not reflect the correct address in this case; they’ll return the EOA; the only way to retrieve the user’s smart account address is through {instance of useSmartAccount}.getAddress.

Below is an example using useEffect to achieve this:

import { useSmartAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const smartAccount = useSmartAccount();

useEffect(() => {
    if (smartAccount) {
            .then((address) => console.log('SmartAccount Address:', address))
            .catch((error) => console.error('Error getting address:', error));
}, [smartAccount]);

Examples of Utilization

Verify User Connection

After setting up Particle Connect in your application, you can check if a user is connected via Particle Connect using isConnected from the useAccount hook (isConnected will be truthy automatically upon connection).

import { useAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const { isConnected, isConnecting, isDisconnected, isReconnecting } = useAccount();

if (isConnected) {
    // Truthy indicates a successful login, active session

Get Wallet Address

After a successful connection, you can use useAccount to get the address and status, or useAddress to get the address.

import { useAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const { address, chain, status } = useAccount();

// The wallet's current active chain. If the current chain is not configured in `createConfig`, it will be null.
const currentChain = chain;

// Wallet connection status. (connected / reconnecting / connecting / disconnected)
const currentStatus = status;

// If you've enabled ERC-4337 feature and connected an EVM wallet,
// you need to use this method to get the smart account's address.
const address = useAddress();

useAccount only returns the EOA address. useAddress returns the smart account’s address when Account Abstraction (AA) is enabled and the EOA address when AA is disabled.

Switching Networks

To switch the network of a connected wallet, you can use useSwitchChain imported from @particle-network/connectkit.

When calling the switch network method, the SDK will request the user to confirm the network switch or add the network if it was not previously set.

import { useAccount, useSwitchChain } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const { switchChain, switchChainAsync, error, status } = useSwitchChain();
// The wallet’s current active chain id.
const { chainId } = useAccount();

await switchChainAsync({ chainId: 1 });
// or
switchChain({ chainId: 1 });

Fetch and Use Chain Information

Particle Connect provides native support for handling and displaying information about the currently selected chain. You can access these details using the chain object, which is available through the useAccount() hook.

import { useAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

// Access the wallet’s current active chain
const { chain } = useAccount();

<h2 className="text-classes">Chain: {chain?.name}</h2>;

In this example, the chain’s name is displayed using chain?.name. You can access various other properties of the chain object to retrieve more detailed information about the active chain.

This structure enables you to dynamically access a wide range of information, offering flexibility in how you display and use this information within your application, thereby eliminating the need to hardcode blockchain-specific data.

Use EIP-1193 Provider (Ethers)

If your dApp already uses a standard library such as Ethers, you can manage accounts by plugging in an EIP-1193 provider attached to the connected EOA.

Upon creating an instance of Ethers, you can use the provider to send transactions and sign messages using standard syntax from that library; these requests will be automatically routed to the EOA connected through Particle Connect.

An example of this approach with Ethers has been included below.

import { useWallets } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();

const EOAprovider = await primaryWallet.connector.getProvider();

const customProvider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(
    EOAprovider as Eip1193Provider, "any"

With this configured, both read and write calls can be made from the resulting provider object, for example:

// Read (balance retrieval)
const balance = await customProvider.getBalance(address);

// Write (sending a transaction)
const signer = customProvider.getSigner();
const tx = {
    to: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD',
    value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.01'),
const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);

Use Wallet Client (Manage Account)

As an alternative to using an EIP-1193 provider with a standard Web3 library, the Wallet Client interface lets you directly interact with accounts, providing functionality to execute transactions, sign messages, and more.

For more details on WalletClient, refer to the Viem documentation.
import { SolanaChain, useWallets, useAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();

// Current chain ID being used
// Address tied to the connected wallet (or social login)
const { chainId, address } = useAccount();

const walletClient = primaryWallet.getWalletClient();
// Examples of EVM wallet methods
// Send a transaction
// Sign a message
// Sign typed data

const solanaWallet = primaryWallet.getWalletClient<SolanaChain>();
// Examples of Solana wallet methods
// Send a transaction
// Sign a message
// Sign a transaction (without sending)

Example of sending an EVM transaction:

import { useWallets, useAccount } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { parseEther, type Address } from 'viem';

const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();
const { chain, address } = useAccount();

const executeTx = async () => {
    // Prepare the transaction object
    const tx = {
        to: recipientAddress as Address,
        value: parseEther('0.01'),
        data: '0x', // No contract interaction, so data is empty
        chain: chain,
        account: address as Address,

    // Get the wallet client and send the transaction
    const walletClient = primaryWallet.getWalletClient();
    const transactionResponse = await walletClient.sendTransaction(tx);

    console.log('Transaction sent:', transactionResponse);

Example of sending a Solana transaction:

import { useWallets, useAccount, usePublicClient, type SolanaChain } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { PublicKey, SystemProgram, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();
const solanaWallet = primaryWallet?.getWalletClient<SolanaChain>();
const publicClient = usePublicClient<SolanaChain>();

const executeTx = async () => {
    const publicKey = solanaWallet.publicKey;
    // Prepare the transaction object
    const tx = new Transaction();
            fromPubkey: publicKey,
            toPubkey: new PublicKey(recipientAddress),
            lamports: amount,

    const { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight } = await publicClient.getLatestBlockhash({
        commitment: 'finalized',

    tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash;
    tx.lastValidBlockHeight = lastValidBlockHeight;
    tx.feePayer = publicKey;

    const transactionResponse = await solanaWallet.sendTransaction(tx);
    console.log('Transaction sent:', transactionResponse);

Leverage PublicClient for RPC Calls

Particle Connect integrates Viem, allowing you to make RPC calls directly—such as fetching balances or nonces—via the usePublicClient() hook, eliminating the need for a separate provider.

import { usePublicClient } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

export const App = () => {
    // Init public client
    const publicClient = usePublicClient();

    // Fetch the balance of an account
    const fetchBalance = async () => {
        const balanceResponse = await publicClient?.getBalance({

For Solana, usePublicClient returns a Connection type (imported from @solana/web3.js).

Solana Example
import { usePublicClient, SolanaChain } from '@particle-network/connectkit';

export const App = () => {
    // Init public client
    const publicClient = usePublicClient<SolanaChain>();

    const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();
    const solanaWallet = primaryWallet?.getWalletClient<SolanaChain>();

    // Fetch the balance of an account
    const fetchBalance = async () => {
        const balanceResponse = await publicClient?.getBalance(solanaWallet.publicKey);

Fetch User Information with Particle Auth

When a user connects through socials, you can use the useParticleAuth() hook to retrieve userinfo (which includes details about the method they used to connect, when the account was created, etc.) and other relevant details from Particle Auth.

import { useAccount, useParticleAuth, useWallets } from '@particle-network/connectkit';
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export const App = () => {
    const { getUserInfo } = useParticleAuth();
    const { isConnected } = useAccount();

    // Retrieve the primary wallet from the Particle Wallets
    const [primaryWallet] = useWallets();

    // Store userInfo in a useState to use it in your app
    const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState<any>(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        const fetchUserInfo = async () => {
            // Use walletConnectorType as a condition to avoid account not initialized errors
            if (primaryWallet?.connector?.walletConnectorType === 'particleAuth') {
                const userInfo = await getUserInfo();

    }, [isConnected, getUserInfo]);

    return <h2 className="text-style">Name: { || 'N/A'}</h2>;

The userInfo object is provided by Particle AuthKit. For a detailed breakdown of its structure and available properties, refer to the Handling User Information section in the Particle AuthKit documentation.

Key React Hooks for Particle Connect

@particle-network/connectkit provides several React Hooks for interacting with both Particle Connect and Particle Auth. These include:

  • useWallets - Returns all connected wallets.
  • useAccount - Retrieves the currently active account (address) and its status.
  • useDisconnect - Disconnects a wallet.
  • useModal - Opens the connect modal (setOpen) without using ConnectButton.
  • usePublicClient - A Public Client interface for accessing external JSON-RPC API methods, allowing you to retrieve block numbers, fetch transactions, and read data from smart contracts.
  • useSwitchChain - Switches and retrieves the current primary chain.
  • useSmartAccount - Provides ERC-4337 smart account functionality; requires implementation of the aa plugin.
  • useParticleAuth - Interfaces for Particle Auth.
  • useEmbeddedWallet - Manages the embedded wallet; requires implementation of the wallet plugin.