Quickstart: Implementing Particle Connect within iOS Applications

Getting started with Particle Connect on iOS only takes a few minutes.

Below is a quick, step-by-step rundown on installing, configuring, and utilizing Particle Connect on iOS.

For complete documentation covering the implementation of Particle Connect on iOS in more depth, head over to the iOS SDK reference.

To begin, you’ll need to ensure that your project meets the following requirements (if it doesn’t, you may encounter compatibility issues).


  • Xcode 15.0 or higher.
  • CocoaPods 1.14.3 or higher.
  • iOS 14 or higher.


Installing Particle Connect

Once you’ve ensured that your project meets the aforementioned prerequisites, you’ll need to install Particle Connect and various associated SDKs, including:

  • ParticleConnectKit
  • ParticleConnect
  • ConnectCommon
  • ParticleAuthCore
  • ParticleMPCCore
  • Thresh
  • AuthCoreAdapter
  • For EVM, ConnectWalletConnectAdapter
  • For Solana, ConnectPhantomAdapter
  • Optionally, ParticleWalletAPI
  • Optionally, ParticleWalletGUI
  • Optionally, ParticleWalletConnect

The following snippet should be included within your Podfile (with or without the optional libraries).

pod `ParticleConnectKit`
pod 'ParticleConnect'
pod 'ConnectPhantomAdapter'
pod 'ConnectWalletConnectAdapter'
pod 'ConnectCommon'
pod `ParticleAuthCore`
pod 'ParticleMPCCore'
pod 'Thresh'
pod 'AuthCoreAdapter'

pod 'ParticleWalletAPI' #Optional, for create transaciton
pod `ParticleWalletGUI` #Optional, for wallet
pod 'ParticleWalletConnect' #Optional, for wallet

Configuring Particle Connect

Once installed, you’re ready to configure the SDK.

To configure, and eventually initialize Particle Connect, you’ll need three key values from the Particle dashboard: your project ID, client key, and app ID. These authenticate your instance of Particle Connect and connect your project to the dashboard.

To retrieve these values, follow the steps below:

For more information on the Particle dashboard, take a look at the dashboard quickstart.

With your project ID, client key, and app ID retrieved, you’ll add a file named ParticleNetwork-Info.plist to your project, then insert these values as is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>YOUR_PROJECT_UUID</string> <!-- Replace this with your project ID -->
    <string>YOUR_PROJECT_CLIENT_KEY</string> <!-- Replace this with your client key -->
    <string>YOUR_PROJECT_APP_UUID</string> <!-- Replace this with your app ID -->

Configuring Xcode

Finally, before initializing and using the SDK, you’ll need to configure your Info.plist file; this file should contain an array of strings representing the wallets you intend to support, alongside a number of permissions, as is shown below.

<string>We need access in order to open photos of barcodes</string>
<string>We use the camera to scan barcodes</string>
<string>We use Face ID for secure access to the app.</string>

Additionally, you’ll need to add your scheme URL to your Xcode project.

For example, if your appId is 63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f, then the scheme URL would be pn63bfa427-cf5f-4742-9ff1-e8f5a1b9828f, simply adding pn to the beginning of the appId.


Initialize SDK

Before using Particle Connect, you’ll need to initialize the SDK through the initialize method on ParticleConnect, which takes the following parameters:

  • env, representing the mode in which you’d like your environment to be in, such as .debug, .staging, or .production. This primarily affects the amount of information logged during usage.
  • chainInfo, specifying the primary chain you intend to use within your application.
  • dAppData, the metadata used for WalletConnect.
  • adapters, an array of adapters representing the wallets you’d like to support within your application.

Additionally, you can set specific chains to be used within WalletConnect (chainInfo structures) with setWalletConnectV2SupportChainInfos. An example of this can be found below.

var adapters: [ConnectAdapter] = [
    // Select the third-party wallet you want from the options below. 

// You can retrieve chainInfo from ChainInfo, the initialize works for the first time open.
// If you support more than one chain, you can use ParticleNetwork.setChainInfo to switch.
ParticleConnect.initialize(env: .debug, chainInfo: ChainInfo.ethereumSepolia, dAppData: .standard, adapters: adapters)

// Optional, for usage of Particle Wallet
        WalletMetaData(name: "Particle Wallet",
                        icon: URL(string: "https://connect.particle.network/icons/512.png")!,
                        url: URL(string: "https://particle.network")!,
                        description: "Particle Connect is a decentralized wallet connection protocol that makes it easy for users to connect their wallets to your DApp.", redirectUniversalLink: nil)


// Set walletConnect connection chains, but metamask doesn't support more than one chain one connection.
ParticleConnect.setWalletConnectV2SupportChainInfos([.ethereum, .bnbChain])

Facilitating connection

Now that Particle Connect has been installed, configured, and initialized, you’re ready to facilitate connection through the Particle Connect modal.

To do this, you’ll need to establish a config specifying the:

  • Onboarding mechanisms you’d like to support, through connectOptions (such as .email, .phone).
  • Social login providers you’d like to support, through socialProviders (such as .google, .apple).
  • Wallets you’d like to be included as options within the modal, through walletProviders (specified through an instance of EnableWalletProvider, as shown below).
  • (Optionally), layout options altering the format of the connection modal through additionalLayoutOptions.
  • (Optionally), additional customizations, such as a custom icon, through designOptions.

Upon generating this config (with ConnectKitConfig), you’ll be able to call ParticleConnectUI.connect, initiating the resulting connection modal.

let connectOptions: [ConnectOption] = [.email, .phone, .social, .wallet]
let socialProviders: [EnableSocialProvider] = [.google, .apple]
let walletProviders: [EnableWalletProvider] = [EnableWalletProvider(name: "metamask", state: .recommended), EnableWalletProvider(name: "okx", state: .popular), EnableWalletProvider(name: "walletConnect", state: .none)]
let additionalLayoutOptions = AdditionalLayoutOptions(isCollapseWalletList: false, isSplitEmailAndSocial: false, isSplitEmailAndPhone: false, isHideContinueButton: false)
// If you'd like to specify an icon, you can do so through a local image, base64 string or url.
let designOptions: DesignOptions = .init(icon: ImagePath.local(UIImage(named: "icon")!))
let config = ConnectKitConfig(connectOptions: connectOptions, socialProviders: socialProviders, walletProviders: walletProviders, additionalLayoutOptions: additionalLayoutOptions, designOptions: designOptions)

let account = try await ParticleConnectUI.connect(config: config).value 

Examples of Utilization

Retrieving User Information

Upon wallet connection (or social login), you’ll be able to retrieve information about the resulting account.

Basic account information can be found through the result of ParticleConnectUI.connect, in this case, that was saved to account, which contains properties such as publicAddress and walletType.

To explicitly retrieve userInfo (a collection of information regarding the login mechanism, attached addresses, and so on; more information can be found within its API reference), you’ll need to call auth.getUserInfo.

An example of both approaches can be found below.

let publicAddress = account.publicAddress
let walletType = account.walletType

// If you're using account abstraction (through ParticleAA), you'll need to retrieve the user's address through the following:
let smartAccountAddress = account.smartAccount?.smartAccountAddress

if account.walletType == WalletType.authCore {
    let auth = Auth()
    let userInfo = auth.getUserInfo()

Send a Transaction

Sending a transaction using the resulting account follows a similar process to other mobile SDKs. A basic transaction will need to be constructed using ParticleWalletAPI.evm().createTransaction, this takes basic parameters such as from, to, value, and (optionally) data and returns a machine-readable transaction object.

To execute the resulting transaction, you’ll need to initialize an instance of the active connected wallet; an example of doing this has been included in the snippet below.

Finally, using this instance, the transaction can be executed through {adapter}.signAndSendTransaction, taking the sender’s address alongside the previously constructed transaction object.

let adapter = ParticleConnect.getAllAdapters().first {
      $0.walletType == account.walletType

let receiverAddress = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
let value = BDouble(0.000000001 * pow(10, 18)).rounded().toHexString()
let transaction = try await ParticleWalletAPI.evm().createTransaction(from: account.publicAddress, to: receiverAddress, value: value, data: "0x").value

// Got this transaction hash                
let txHash = try await adapter!.signAndSendTransaction(publicAddress: account.publicAddress, transaction: transaction).value

Open Wallet

If you included ParticleWalletGUI within your Podfile, you can open the (optional) embedded wallet interface at any time after a user connects, use ParticleWalletGUI.setSupportChain to set supported chains, then PNRouter to open the interface.

ParticleWalletGUI.setSupportChain(Set<[ChainInfo.ethereum, ChainInfo.bnbChain]>)
PNRouter.navigatorWallet(hiddenBackButton: false)
To implement account abstraction within your iOS project, integrate the ParticleAA SDK and refer to this documentation. Additionally, a demo repository can be found here.