Quickstart: Implementing Particle Auth within iOS Applications

Particle Auth, the core SDK responsible for driving social logins, has various iOS SDKs; implementation only takes a few steps.

This document will go through the step-by-step process of configuring, initializing, and using Particle Auth on iOS.

For complete documentation covering the implementation of Particle Auth on iOS in more depth, head over to the iOS SDK reference.

Before jumping into it, ensure your project meets the following minimum requirements (otherwise, you may encounter compatibility issues).


  • Xcode 15.0 or higher.
  • CocoaPods 1.14.3 or higher.
  • iOS 14 or higher.


Installing Particle Auth

To begin, you’ll need to install Particle Auth through your Podfile; specifically, you’ll need (at a minimum) the following libraries:

  • ParticleAuthCore
  • ParticleMPCCore
  • Thresh
  • Optionally, ParticleWalletAPI for transaction construction.
  • Optionally, ParticleWallerGUI to enable an embedded wallet interface.

Below is a snippet representing the installation of the aforementioned libraries.

pod `ParticleAuthCore`
pod 'ParticleMPCCore'
pod 'Thresh'

pod 'ParticleWalletAPI' # Optional
pod `ParticleWalletGUI` # Optional

Configuring Particle Auth

Once installed, you’re ready to configure Particle Auth and initialize the SDK.

To do this, you’ll need three key values from the Particle dashboard: your project ID, client key, and app ID. These are used to authenticate your instance of Particle Auth and connect your project to the dashboard; these are required to properly initialize the SDK.

To retrieve these keys, follow the steps outlined below:

For more information on the Particle dashboard, take a look at the dashboard quickstart.

With your project ID, client key, and app ID retrieved, you’ll need to add a file named ParticleNetwork-Info.plist to your project, then insert the aforementioned keys as is exemplified below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>YOUR_PROJECT_UUID</string> <!-- Replace this with your project ID -->
	<string>YOUR_PROJECT_CLIENT_KEY</string> <!-- Replace this with your client key -->
	<string>YOUR_PROJECT_APP_UUID</string> <!-- Replace this with your app ID -->

Initialize Particle Auth

At this point, you’ve installed and configured Particle Auth; the only step remaining before the SDK can be used is initialization.

Particle Auth can be initialized by simply calling the initialize method on ParticleNetwork. This takes the following parameters:

  • config, which takes:
    • chainInfo, representing the primary chain you intend to use (for example, .ethereum, .polygon).
    • devEnv, affecting the information logged within your environment (.debug, .production, or .staging).

The snippet below is an example of this.

// You can retrieve chainInfo from ChainInfo, the initialize works for the first time open.
// If you support more than one chain, you can use ParticleNetwork.setChainInfo to switch.
ParticleNetwork.initialize(config: .init(chainInfo: .ethereum, devEnv: .debug))

Facilitating social login

You’re ready to facilitate social login and interacting with the resulting accounts.

As shown below, you’ll need to call auth.connect to initiate social login, passing in the specific login type you’d like the user to use (.google, .twitter, .discord, etc.) alongside, if applicable, the type of account prompt used by the OAuth provider (.selectAccount, .consent, .none).

When a user logs in for the first time, if there is no account, we will create one. Based on the current chainInfo, a new address will be generated. For example, if the current chain is EVM-compatible, only an EVM address will be generated; if it’s the Solana chain, only a Solana address will be generated. If you want to obtain both addresses, you can use auth.switchChain to switch chains, and after waiting for 2 seconds, a new address for the selected chain will be generated for you.
let userInfo = try await auth.connect(type: .google, socialLoginPrompt: .selectAccount)

// Additionally, you can implement custom authentication through JWT.
// Learn more: https://developers.particle.network/guides/configuration/auth/jwt
let userInfo = try await auth.connect(type: .jwt, account: "the JWT")

Examples of Utilization

Retrieve User Information

With a user logged in, you’ll be able to retrieve information about their account (such as their address, or specific details regarding the social login mechanism they used) through methods such as auth.evm.getAddress and auth.getUserInfo (getUserInfo returns an object with numerous points of information; to learn more, head over to its API reference).

The following snippet is an example of retrieving a user’s address on both EVM and Solana alongside pulling their broader account information.

let evmAddress = auth.evm.getAddress()
let solanaAddress = auth.solana.getAddress()

let flag = try await self.auth.switchChain(chainInfo: .solana)
if flag {
    let userInfo = self.auth.getUserInfo()

// If you're using account abstraction through ParticleAA, you'll need to retrieve their address through the following:
let smartAccountAddress = self.auth.getUserInfo()?.smartAccountAddress

Send a Transaction

Now, as a final example, you can send a transaction, such as burning 0.000000001 ETH.

To do this, you’ll need to construct a transaction with ParticleWalletAPI.createTransaction using standard parameters such as from, to, value, and (optionally) data.

Upon construction, the transaction can be sent through auth.evm.sendTransaction; once the user signs/confirms, it’ll be pushed to the network; an example of this is shown below.

let evmAddress = auth.evm.getAddress()
let receiverAddress = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
let value = BDouble(0.000000001 * pow(10, 18)).rounded().toHexString()
let transaction = try await ParticleWalletAPI.evm().createTransaction(from: evmAddress, to: receiverAddress, value: value, data: "0x").value
let txHash = try await self.auth.evm.sendTransaction(transaction, chainInfo: nil)

Open Wallet

If you included ParticleWalletGUI within your Podfile, you can open the (optional) embedded wallet interface at any time after a user connects, use ParticleWalletGUI.setSupportChain to set supported chains, then PNRouter to open the interface.

ParticleWalletGUI.setSupportChain(Set<[ChainInfo.ethereum, ChainInfo.bnbChain]>)
PNRouter.navigatorWallet(hiddenBackButton: false)
Take a look at the complete demo project here.