React Native

1. Add the Account Abstraction Service SDK to Your React Native App

Run this command:

npm install @particle-network/rn-aa

// Or

yarn add @particle-network/rn-aa

Click here to get the demo source code

2. Add Particle Auth or Particle Connect to your project

Account Abstraction service can’t be used individually.

Important details before initialization.

Before initializing the SDK, there are a few key points to keep in mind, specifically regarding the utilization of Paymasters (to sponsor gas fees, pay for gas in ERC-20 tokens, etc.)

- All Testnets automatically have the Verifying Particle Network Omnichain Paymaster enabled. Transactions that request it will automatically be sponsored and thus gasless.

- On the occasion that you’d like to use the Particle Network Omnichain Paymaster for Mainnets, you’ll need to deposit USDT on either Ethereum or BNB Chain within the Particle dashboard. This USDT will then automatically be converted as needed into the native token of the network you’re requesting (and qualifying for) sponsorship on.

Initialize the SDK

The Particle Network AA SDK will fail to function correctly until it has been initialized. Initialization allows you to specify a smart account implementation and version, alongside the Paymaster you’d like to use. This can be initiated through particleAA.init, which takes the following parameters:

Once init has been called, you can close off initialization by enabling AA mode with ParticleAA.enableAAMode.

import * as particleAA from '@particle-network/rn-aa';
import { AAVersion } from '@particle-network/rn-base';


Is Deployed

Now that you’ve initialized the AA SDK, you can move onto several methods to utilize it. First, it’s important to note that the smart account implementation you chose will be automatically deployed with the first transaction it initiates. The deployment transaction will be bundled (batched) in with the first transaction.

However, if you’d like to check the deployment status of a given smart account manually, you can first retrieve the host address with evm.getAddress, then pass that into particleAA.isDeploy, which returns a Boolean indicating deployment status.


const eoaAddress = await evm.getAddress();
const isDeploy = await particleAA.isDeploy(eoaAddress);

Disable AA Mode

If you’d like to exit AA mode and thus disable account abstraction functionality within your application, you’ll need to call ParticleAA.disableAAMode. This will immediately render the usage of AA incompatible. Additionally, if you’re unsure whether or not AA mode is enabled, you can call ParticleAA.isAAModeEnable, which will return a Boolean representing this status. E.g.:


const result = await particleAA.isAAModeEnable();

RPC get fee quotes

This is always used with sendTransaction. Select a feeQuote, and then send the transaction using the chosen custom fee mode.

const wholeFeeQuote = (await particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes(eoaAddress, [transaction])) as WholeFeeQuote;

Send Transaction

Sending a transaction (UserOperation) is as simple as calling pre-existing methods within ParticleConnect or Evm in @particle-network/rn-auth-core and just passing in an additional parameter, feeMode.

There are two ways to send transactions with the AA SDK:

The first is with signAndSendTransaction of sendTransaction , which will send a singular transaction to the network. Alternatively, you can use batchSendTransactions to send batched transactions within a single UserOperation.

particleConnect.signAndSendTransaction or Evm.sendTransaction in @particle-network/rn-auth-core takes the following parameters:

  • For Particle Connect, walletType, dictates the specific adapter being used/targeted.
  • account, the public address of the smart account sending the transaction, which can be retrieved through EvmService.getSmartAccount.
  • transaction, a stringified standard transaction object.
  • feeMode, the mechanism to be used for paying gas fees, can be:
    • AAFeeMode.gasless, for sponsored transactions. This will happen automatically for Testnets and will pull from your previously defined (or configured) Paymaster for Mainnets. Takes one parameter:
      • wholeFeeQuote, which can be retrieved through particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes.
    • AAFeeMode.native, paying for gas fees in a native token (such as ETH). Takes one parameter:
      • wholeFeeQuote, which can be retrieved through particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes.
    • AAFeeMode.token, paying for gas fees in an ERC-20 token (such as USDC). Takes one parameter:
      • feeQuote, to be used when leveraging a Token Paymaster. It can be retrieved through particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes.
      • tokenPaymasterAddress, can be retrieved through particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes.

Alternatively, for particleConnect.batchSendTransactions or ParticleAuthCore Evm.batchSendTransactions, the parameters will be the same, with the exception of transaction being an array of transactions.

// with @particle-network/rn-auth-core
await evm.sendTransaction(transaction,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.gasless(result));

await evm.sendTransaction(transactions,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.native(result));

await evm.signAndSendTransaction(transaction,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.token(feeQuote, tokenPaymasterAddress));

await evm.batchSendTransactions(transactions,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.native(result));

// with @particle-network/rn-connect
await ParticleConnect.signAndSendTransaction(
        WalletType.AuthCore, eoaPublicAddress, transaction,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.gasless(result));

await ParticleConnect.signAndSendTransaction(
        WalletType.AuthCore, eoaPublicAddress, transaction,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.native(result));

await ParticleConnect.signAndSendTransaction(
        WalletType.AuthCore, eoaPublicAddress, transaction,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.token(feeQuote, tokenPaymasterAddress));

await ParticleConnect.batchSendTransactions(
        WalletType.AuthCore, eoaPublicAddress, transactions,
        feeMode: AAFeeMode.native(result));

Check if you can send a transaction with AAFeeMode.gasless/native/token.

const wholeFeeQuote = await particleAA.rpcGetFeeQuotes(eoaAddress, [
      ]) as WholeFeeQuote;
const feeQuote = wholeFeeQuote.verifyingPaymasterNative['feeQuote'];
const fee = BigNumber(feeQuote['fee']);
const balance = BigNumber(feeQuote['balance']);

// Check if user can afford te transaction
if (balance.isLessThan(fee)) {
  console.log("Native balance too low to pay for gas fees");

// Check if the transaction can be sponsored
const verifyingPaymasterGasless = wholeFeeQuote.verifyingPaymasterGasless;
if (verifyingPaymasterGasless == undefined) {
  console.log("Gasless mode is not available");

// Check if the transaction can be paid for using ERC20 tokens
 const feeQuotes = wholeFeeQuote.tokenPaymaster['feeQuotes'] as any[];

const validFeeQuotes = feeQuotes.filter(item => {
  const fee = BigNumber(item['fee']);
  const balance = BigNumber(item['balance']);
  if (balance.isLessThan(fee)) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;

if (validFeeQuotes.length == 0) {
  console.log("Token not valid to pay gas fees");

// Select a fee quote.
const feeQuote = validFeeQuotes[0];

const tokenPaymasterAddress =
        wholeFeeQuote.tokenPaymaster["tokenPaymasterAddress"] as string;

Dive Deeper

See the Particle Auth and Particle Connect pages for insights into additional compatible methods (such as signAndSendTransaction), as shown here.