
πŸ“Š Understanding getCollectionActivitiesByAddress

  • getCollectionActivitiesByAddress is an alternative to getCollectionActivities in which you can filter collection activities (mints, transfers, etc.) by a specific involved address (for example, your personal address). It takes the following path parameters:

    • chainId - integer.

    • contractAddress - string.

    And the following query parameters:

    • address - string.

    • activityTypes - an array of strings (can besale, list, unlist, mint, or transfer).

    • page - integer, 1 by default.

    • limit - integer, 100 by default.

Query example

const Axios = require("axios");

const projectUuId = 'Your Project Id';
const projectKey = 'Your Project Client Or Server Key';
const chainId = 5; // Goerli
const baseUrl = '';
const contractAddress = '0x14CC6aF7A7318347419758274049e93DB03236C9';
const url = `${baseUrl}/chains/${chainId}/contractAddress/${contractAddress}/myActivity`;

(async () => {
    const response = await Axios.get(url, {
        params: {
            address: '0x7DDd4989abb3cDa01BA31ac283c194852E42e1a8',
            activityType: 'mint'

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!