In addition to complete customization of Particle Auth (specifically the authentication and transaction confirmation menus), Particle Wallet can also be deeply customized. Particle Wallet acts as the primary (yet optional) interface for users to interact with the wallet generated by Particle Auth. While not all applications use Particle Wallet as a direct mechanism of wallet management, it’s a solid option given the aforementioned customization potential, thus making the wallet modal feel specific to your application and project. This document will dive into the programmatic customization of Particle Wallet.

Programmatic Customization

Particle Wallet can only currently be customized through strictly set parameters, either within the path of, or within the configuration of Particle Authkit or Particle Auth Core (which would translate to the in-UI modal rather than a redirect such as is the case with

customStyle takes the following parameters, all of which impact the appearance of the wallet modal:

supportChains?: Chain[];
supportAddToken?: boolean;
displayTokenAddresses?: string[];
displayNFTContractAddresses?: string[];
priorityTokenAddresses?: string[];
priorityNFTContractAddresses?: string[];
fiatCoin?: CurrencyUnit;
evmSupportWalletConnect?: boolean;
supportUIModeSwitch?: boolean;
supportLanguageSwitch?: boolean;
light?: ModeStyle; // Profile 1, light mode
dark?: ModeStyle; // Profile 2, dark mode

The ModeStyle object provides a flexible way to customize the look and feel of the wallet modal and transaction popups. You can tailor the interface to match your brand by adjusting the following properties:

colorAccent?: string;
colorPrimary?: string;
colorOnPrimary?: string;
primaryButtonBackgroundColors?: [string, string];
primaryIconButtonBackgroundColors?: [string, string];
primaryIconTextColor?: string;
primaryButtonTextColor?: string;
cancelButtonBackgroundColor?: string;
backgroundColors?: [string, [[string, string], [string, string]]];
messageColors?: string[];
borderGlowColors?: string[];
modalMaskBackgroundColor?: string;
cardBorderRadius?: number;

Particle Connect

To customize the wallet modal in Particle Connect, you need to include the customStyle object within the plugins array in the ConnectKitProvider configuration.

plugins: [
      entryPosition: EntryPosition.TR,
      visible: true,
      themeType: "dark",
      customStyle: {
        themeType: {
          dark: {
            colorAccent: "#7DD5F9",
            colorPrimary: "#21213a",
            colorOnPrimary: "#171728",
            primaryButtonBackgroundColors: ["#5ED7FF", "#E89DE7"],
            primaryIconButtonBackgroundColors: ["#5ED7FF", "#E89DE7"],
            primaryIconTextColor: "#FFFFFF",
            primaryButtonTextColor: "#0A1161",
            cancelButtonBackgroundColor: "#666666",
            backgroundColors: [
                ["#e6b1f766", "#e6b1f700"],
                ["#7dd5f94d", "#7dd5f900"],
            messageColors: ["#7DD5F9", "#ed5d51"],
            borderGlowColors: ["#7bd5f940", "#323233"],
            modalMaskBackgroundColor: "#141430b3",

Particle Authkit

Customizing Particle Wallet through configuration within Particle Autkit can be done within the initialization of AuthCoreContextProvider from @particle-network/authkit. Within this component, you’ll need to head into the customStyle object within the wallet parameter on options.

With this in mind, take a look at the below example for further insight into what a complete utilization of most of the above parameters looks like (example of a configuration for customStyle):

customStyle: {
  supportAddToken: true,
  supportChains: [
    { id: 1, name: "Ethereum" },
    { id: 5, name: "Ethereum" },
    { id: 56, name: "BSC" },
    { id: 97, name: "BSC" }
  evmSupportWalletConnect: true,
  supportUIModeSwitch: false,
  supportLanguageSwitch: false,
  priorityTokenAddresses: [""],
  priorityNFTContractAddresses: [""],
  light: {
    colorAccent: "#F23892",
    colorPrimary: "#ffffff",
    colorOnPrimary: "#ffffff",
    primaryButtonBackgroundColors: ["#F23892", "#F23892"],
    primaryButtonTextColor: "#ffffff",
    primaryIconButtonBackgroundColors: ["#dfe9fd", "#dfe9fd"],
    primaryIconTextColor: "#F23892",
    cancelButtonBackgroundColor: "#666666",
    backgroundColors: ["#e5e5e5", [["#ffffff00", "#ffffff00"], ["#ffffff00", "#ffffff00"]]],
    messageColors: ["#7DD5F9", "#ed5d51"],
    borderGlowColors: ["#7bd5f940", "#323233"],
    modalMaskBackgroundColor: "#141430b3"
  dark: {
    colorAccent: "#7DD5F9",
    colorPrimary: "#21213a",
    colorOnPrimary: "#171728",
    primaryButtonBackgroundColors: ["#5ED7FF", "#E89DE7"],
    primaryIconButtonBackgroundColors: ["#5ED7FF", "#E89DE7"],
    primaryIconTextColor: "#FFFFFF",
    primaryButtonTextColor: "#0A1161",
    cancelButtonBackgroundColor: "#666666",
    backgroundColors: ["#14152e", [["#e6b1f766", "#e6b1f700"], ["#7dd5f94d", "#7dd5f900"]]],
    messageColors: ["#7DD5F9", "#ed5d51"],
    borderGlowColors: ["#7bd5f940", "#323233"],
    modalMaskBackgroundColor: "#141430b3"

This specific custom style above translates into a highly customized version of the wallet model, with gradients, major color changes, and feature removals, as shown in the following image.

Customizing the Wallet Entry Point

Additionaly, you can tailor the location in which the embedded wallet interface will open; in doing so, you can create a custom Open Wallet button or merely alter the position of the default Particle Network button.

Find a full Next.js demo in the Customizing Wallet Position repository.

Option 1: Alternative Position for Default Button

If you prefer to keep the default button responsible for opening the embedded wallet (circular button with the Particle Network logo, in the bottom right corner by default), you have the option of altering where on the page it’ll sit.

To do this, you’ll need to alter the wallet property of AuthCoreContextProvider (from Particle Auth) and designate a position through entryPosition, which takes EntryPosition from @particle-network/wallet.

You have the choice between opening the wallet in the bottom right (EntryPosition.BR), bottom left (EntryPosition.BL), top right (EntryPosition.TR), or top left (EntryPosition.TL).

import { AuthCoreContextProvider } from "@particle-network/authkit";
import { EntryPosition } from "@particle-network/wallet";

export const ParticleAuthkit = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
  return (
        projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID as string,
        clientKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_KEY as string,
        appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID as string,

        wallet: {
          visible: true,
          entryPosition: EntryPosition.TL,

Option 2: Custom Wallet Entry Point with openWallet()

The openWallet() method imported from useAuthCore() triggers the opening of the wallet modal, independent from the default button referenced above.

You can create your own custom wallet entry, such as a button labeled Open Wallet. When clicked, this button will trigger the modal using the openWallet() method.

Set the visible property to false in AuthCoreContextProvider if you want to hide the default Particle Button.
const { openWallet } = useAuthCore();

// Open the wallet modal from a custom button
const toggleParticleWallet = async () => {
        windowSize: 'small',
        topMenuType: 'close',