Particle Network places a strong emphasis on deep customization and application-specificity. Whether it’s logos, colors, or border sharpness, virtually every aspect of Particle’s native login interface can be tailored programmatically using Particle ConnectKit or Particle AuthKit. This guide will explore the various methods available for customizing these modals to meet your specific needs.

Particle Connect Customization

Particle Connect is the suggested SDK for driving generalized onboarding, supporting both social logins and standard wallet connection through a single interface. Importantly, it allows deep programmatic visual customization when initializing the SDK with createConfig in the ConnectKitProvider component.

Customization at a higher level is straightforward, with options such as setting light or dark mode via the mode parameter within createConfig, selecting the interface language using language, or specifying a custom logo through logo, among others.

For more granular control, deeper customization is available through the theme parameter, part of the appearance object in createConfig.

The theme object accepts the following options:

// Font settings
'--pcm-font-family'?: string; 

// Focus and action colors
'--pcm-focus-color'?: string; 
'--pcm-body-action-color'?: string; 
'--pcm-accent-color'?: string; 

// Modal appearance
'--pcm-overlay-background'?: string; 
'--pcm-overlay-backdrop-filter'?: string; 
'--pcm-modal-box-shadow'?: string; 

// Border radius settings
'--pcm-rounded-sm'?: Unit; 
'--pcm-rounded-md'?: Unit; 
'--pcm-rounded-lg'?: Unit; 
'--pcm-rounded-xl'?: Unit; 
'--pcm-rounded-full'?: Unit; 

// Background colors
'--pcm-body-background'?: string; 
'--pcm-body-background-secondary'?: string; 
'--pcm-body-background-tertiary'?: string;
// Foreground (Text) colors
'--pcm-body-color'?: string;
'--pcm-body-color-secondary'?: string; 
'--pcm-body-color-tertiary'?: string; 

// Button appearance
'--pcm-button-border-color'?: string; 
'--pcm-button-font-weight'?: string; 
'--pcm-button-hover-shadow'?: string; 

// Primary Button
'--pcm-primary-button-color'?: string;
'--pcm-primary-button-background'?: string;
'--pcm-primary-button-hover-background'?: string;

// Secondary Button
'--pcm-secondary-button-color'?: string; 
'--pcm-secondary-button-background'?: string; 
'--pcm-secondary-button-hover-background'?: string; 

// Status Colors
'--pcm-error-color'?: HexColor; 
'--pcm-success-color'?: HexColor; 
'--pcm-warning-color'?: HexColor; 

// Wallet Label
'--pcm-wallet-label-color'?: HexColor;

Each of these options allows you to customize the appearance of the authentication modal, wallet modal, and transaction popups.

The following example demonstrates how to apply a green hacker theme to Particle Connect:

const config = createConfig({
  projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID!,
  clientKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_KEY!,
  appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID!,
  appearance: {
    theme: {
      // Modal
      "--pcm-overlay-background": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)", // Dark, near-black overlay
      "--pcm-overlay-backdrop-filter": "blur(8px)", // Slightly more intense blur
      "--pcm-modal-box-shadow": "0px 0px 12px rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)", // Green glowing shadow for a hacker vibe

      // Background
      "--pcm-body-background": "#001f00", // Dark greenish-black background
      "--pcm-body-background-secondary": "#002800", // Slightly lighter dark green
      "--pcm-body-background-tertiary": "#003300", // Another variation of dark green

      // Foreground
      "--pcm-body-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green text
      "--pcm-body-color-secondary": "#00cc00", // Slightly darker green text
      "--pcm-body-color-tertiary": "#009900", // Even darker green text

      "--pcm-body-action-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green action color
      "--pcm-accent-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green accent color
      "--pcm-focus-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green focus color

      // Button
      "--pcm-button-font-weight": "500",
      "--pcm-button-hover-shadow": "0px 0px 8px rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)", // Green glowing shadow on hover
      "--pcm-button-border-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green border for buttons

      // Primary Button
      "--pcm-primary-button-color": "#000000", // Black text on buttons (to contrast bright background)
      "--pcm-primary-button-bankground": "#00ff00", // Bright green background for primary buttons
      "--pcm-primary-button-hover-background": "#00cc00", // Slightly darker green on hover

      // Font
      "--pcm-font-family": `monospace, 'Courier New', Courier, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif`, // Monospace font for a hacker style

      // Radius
      "--pcm-rounded-sm": "6px", // Keep the original rounded values
      "--pcm-rounded-md": "12px",
      "--pcm-rounded-lg": "18px",
      "--pcm-rounded-xl": "24px",
      "--pcm-rounded-full": "9999px",

      "--pcm-success-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green for success
      "--pcm-warning-color": "#ffcc00", // Yellow for warning
      "--pcm-error-color": "#ff0000", // Red for error

      "--pcm-wallet-lable-color": "#00ff00", // Bright green label color for wallets

    // The rest of the component

Materialization of the above parameters for Particle Connect.

For a full guide on configuring Particle Connect, head over to the quickstart guide.

Customizing the ConnectButton Text

Particle Connect enables you to customize the text displayed on the ConnectButton component used for user login.

To modify the text, add the label prop to the ConnectButton component:

<ConnectButton label="Click to Login" />

Particle AuthKit Customization

As an alternative to Particle Connect, Particle Auth (@particle-network/authkit) offers a dedicated modal containing exclusively social logins. The most common way to customize this interface is through programmatic style definitions, which can be applied during SDK initialization through the AuthCoreContextProvider component, as will be demonstrated below.

You can achieve high-level customization by adjusting parameters such as themeType for light or dark mode within AuthCoreContextProvider, language to set the language of the modal, and fiatCoin to choose the fiat currency display.

For more advanced customization, the customStyle parameter in the options object of AuthCoreContextProvider offers deeper control. The customStyle parameter accepts the following options:

logo?: string;
projectName?: string;
subtitle?: string;
modalWidth?: number;
modalHeight?: number;
zIndex?: number;
primaryBtnBorderRadius?: number | string;
modalBorderRadius?: number | string;
cardBorderRadius?: number | string;
fontFamily?: string;
theme?: {
    dark?: ThemeStyle;
    light?: ThemeStyle;

The ThemeStyle object allows you to customize the appearance of the authentication modal and transaction popups. It provides options for defining various visual elements, including colors, backgrounds, borders, and more.

The ThemeStyle object accepts the following properties:

primaryBtnColor?: string;
primaryBtnBackgroundColor?: string;
secondaryBtnColor?: string;
secondaryBtnBackgroundColor?: string;
textColor?: string;
secondaryTextColor?: string;
themeBackgroundColor?: string;
iconBorderColor?: string;
accentColor?: string;
inputBackgroundColor?: string;
inputBorderColor?: string;
inputPlaceholderColor?: string;
cardBorderColor?: string;
cardUnclickableBackgroundColor?: string;
cardUnclickableBorderColor?: string;
cardDividerColor?: string;
tagBackgroundColor?: string;
modalBackgroundColor?: string;
tipsBackgroundColor?: string;

The following example demonstrates how to implement a green hacker theme for the Particle Auth login modal:

        projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID!,
        clientKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_KEY!,
        appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID!,

        customStyle: {
          theme: {
            dark: {
              primaryBtnColor: "#000000", // Black text on primary buttons
              primaryBtnBackgroundColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green background for primary buttons
              secondaryBtnColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green text on secondary buttons
              secondaryBtnBackgroundColor: "#001f00", // Dark greenish-black background for secondary buttons
              textColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green text
              secondaryTextColor: "#00cc00", // Slightly darker green text
              themeBackgroundColor: "#001f00", // Dark greenish-black overall background
              iconBorderColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green border for icons
              accentColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green accents
              inputBackgroundColor: "#002800", // Slightly lighter dark green for inputs
              inputBorderColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green border for inputs
              inputPlaceholderColor: "#00cc00", // Slightly darker green for placeholder text
              cardBorderColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green border for cards
              cardUnclickableBackgroundColor: "#003300", // Darker green for unclickable cards
              cardUnclickableBorderColor: "#00cc00", // Slightly darker green border for unclickable cards
              cardDividerColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green for card dividers
              tagBackgroundColor: "#00ff00", // Bright green background for tags
              modalBackgroundColor: "#001f00", // Dark greenish-black background for modals
              tipsBackgroundColor: "#002800", // Slightly lighter dark green for tips background

        // Rest of the component 

Materialization of the above parameters for Particle Auth.

For a full guide on configuring Particle Auth, head over to the quickstart guide.