Flutter Support

SDKs with Flutter Support

Flutter is a universally-supported platform within Particle Network's SDKs, with support on Particle Auth, Particle Wallet, Particle Connect, and Particle's AA SDK. Particle Network's various Dart-based Flutter SDKs support iOS and Android applications, making them a highly popular choice among mobile application developers. Thus, due to the extent of Flutter support, Particle's entire tech stack can be integrated within applications built on Flutter in just a few lines of code.

To dive into this further and walk through the configuration and utilization process, choose a specific Flutter-compatible product from the cards below.

Web3 API Cards

Particle Auth

Interacting Particle Auth within applications made using Flutter.


Particle Connect

Integrating Particle Connect within applications made using Flutter.


Particle Wallet

Using Particle Wallet within applications built using Flutter.


Account Abstraction

Implementing account abstraction within applications built using Flutter.
